========== Installing ========== **fab-classic** is best installed via `pip `_ $ pip install fab-classic Make sure that "Fabric" and "paramiko" packages are removed first, if you happen to have previously installed them (because *fab-classic* depends on *Paramiko-NG*). If you are upgrading *fab-classic* from version 1.15.x to version 1.16 or later, then you do have "paramiko" installed as a dependency for fab-classic 1.15.x, and you should uninstall it first:: $ pip uninstall paramiko It is also possible to install *fab-classic* such that it requires "paramiko" instead of "paramiko-ng":: PARAMIKO_REPLACE=1 pip install --no-binary fab-classic fab-classic==1.18.0 (*paramiko-ng* also supports ``PARAMIKO_REPLACE``, see `paramiko-ng#installation `_) Advanced users wanting to install a development version may use ``pip`` to grab the latest master branch (as well as the dev version of the Paramiko-NG dependency):: $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/ploxiln/paramiko-ng/#egg=paramiko-ng $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/ploxiln/fab-classic/#egg=fab-classic Dependencies ============ In order for Fabric's installation to succeed, you will need three primary pieces of software: * the Python programming language version 2.7, or version 3.4, or a later 3.x release; * the ``setuptools`` packaging/installation library; * and the Python `Paramiko-NG `_ SSH library. See the `Paramiko installation docs `_ for more info. setuptools ---------- `Setuptools`_ comes with some Python installations by default; if yours doesn't, you'll need to grab it. In such situations it's typically packaged as ``python-setuptools``, ``py27-setuptools`` or similar. .. _setuptools: https://pypi.org/project/setuptools/ Development dependencies ------------------------ If you are interested in doing development work on Fabric (or even just running the test suite), you may also need to install some or all of the following packages: * `git `_ in order to obtain some of the other dependencies below; * `Nose `_ * `Fudge `_ * `Sphinx `_ For an up-to-date list of exact testing/development requirements, including version numbers, please see the ``dev-requirements.txt`` file included with the source distribution. This file is intended to be used with ``pip``, e.g. ``pip install -r dev-requirements.txt``. .. _downloads: Downloads ========= To obtain a tar.gz or zip archive of the Fabric source code, you may visit `Fabric's PyPI page `_, which offers manual downloads in addition to being the entry point for ``pip`` .. _source-code-checkouts: Source code checkouts ===================== The Fabric developers manage the project's source code with the `Git `_ DVCS. To follow Fabric's development via Git instead of downloading official releases, you have the following options: * Clone the canonical repository straight from `the Fabric organization's repository on Github `_, ``git://github.com/ploxiln/fab-classic.git`` * Make your own fork of the Github repository by making a Github account, visiting `ploxiln/fab-classic `_ and clicking the "fork" button. .. note:: If you've obtained the Fabric source via source control and plan on updating your checkout in the future, we highly suggest using ``python setup.py develop`` instead -- it will use symbolic links instead of file copies, ensuring that imports of the library or use of the command-line tool will always refer to your checkout.