============= Old Changelog ============= For newer changes see https://github.com/ploxiln/fab-classic/releases Following are changes pre-fork, up to roughly version 1.14.1 * :bug:`1227` Remove a bash/zsh-ism from `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template` when backing up the target file, preventing issues on simpler remote shells. Patch courtesy of Paul Chakravarti. * :bug:`983` Move a ``getpass`` import inside a Windows-oriented ``try``/``except ImportError`` so password prompting is less likely to explode on certain systems. Thanks to ``@dongweiming`` for the patch. * :support:`- backported` Update packaging metadata so wheel archives include the ``LICENSE`` file. * :release:`1.14.0 <2017-08-25>` * :feature:`1475` Honor ``env.timeout`` when opening new remote sessions (as opposed to the initial overall connection, which already honored timeout settings.) Thanks to ``@EugeniuZ`` for the report & ``@jrmsgit`` for the first draft of the patch. .. note:: This feature only works with Paramiko 1.14.3 and above; if your Paramiko version is older, no timeout can be set, and the previous behavior will occur instead. * :release:`1.13.2 <2017-04-24>` * :release:`1.12.2 <2017-04-24>` * :bug:`1542` (via :issue:`1543`) Catch Paramiko-level gateway connection errors (``ChannelError``) when raising ``NetworkError``; this prevents an issue where gateway related issues were being treated as authentication errors. Thanks to Charlie Stanley for catch & patch. * :bug:`1555` Multiple simultaneous `~fabric.operations.get` and/or `~fabric.operations.put` with ``use_sudo=True`` and for the same remote host and path could fail unnecessarily. Thanks ``@arnimarj`` for the report and Pierce Lopez for the patch. * :bug:`1427` (via :issue:`1428`) Locate ``.pyc`` files when searching for fabfiles to load; previously we only used the presence of ``.py`` files to determine whether loading should be attempted. Credit: Ray Chen. * :bug:`1294` fix text escaping for `~fabric.contrib.files.contains` and `~fabric.contrib.files.append` which would fail if the text contained e.g. ``>``. Thanks to ``@ecksun`` for report & Pierce Lopez for the patch. * :support:`1065 backported` Fix incorrect SSH config reference in the docs for ``env.keepalive``; it corresponds to ``ServerAliveInterval``, not ``ClientAliveInterval``. Credit: Harry Percival. * :bug:`1574` `~fabric.contrib.project.upload_project` failed for folder in current directory specified without any path separator. Thanks ``@aidanmelen`` for the report and Pierce Lopez for the patch. * :support:`1590 backported` Replace a reference to ``fab`` in a test subprocess, to use the ``python -m `` style instead; this allows ``python setup.py test`` to run the test suite without having Fabric already installed. Thanks to ``@BenSturmfels`` for catch & patch. * :support:`- backported` Backport :issue:`1462` to 1.12.x (was previously only backported to 1.13.x.) * :support:`1416 backported` Add explicit "Python 2 only" note to ``setup.py`` trove classifiers to help signal that fact to various info-gathering tools. Patch courtesy of Gavin Bisesi. * :bug:`1526` Disable use of PTY and shell for a background command execution within `contrib.sed `, preventing a small class of issues on some platforms/environments. Thanks to ``@doflink`` for the report and Pierce Lopez for the final patch. * :support:`1539 backported` Add documentation for :ref:`env.output_prefix `. Thanks ``@jphalip``. * :bug:`1514` Compatibility with Python 2.5 was broken by using the ``format()`` method of a string (only in 1.11+). Report by ``@pedrudehuere``. * :release:`1.13.1 <2016-12-09>` * :bug:`1462` Make a PyCrypto-specific import and method call optional to avoid ``ImportError`` problems under Paramiko 2.x. Thanks to Alex Gaynor for catch & patch! * :release:`1.13.0 <2016-12-09>` * :support:`1461` Update setup requirements to allow Paramiko 2.x, now that it's stable and been out in the wild for some time. Paramiko 1.x still works like it always did; the only change to Paramiko 2 was the backend moving from PyCrypto to Cryptography. .. warning:: If you are upgrading an existing environment, the install dependencies have changed; please see Paramiko's installation docs for details: http://www.paramiko.org/installing.html * :release:`1.12.1 <2016-12-05>` * :release:`1.11.3 <2016-12-05>` * :release:`1.10.5 <2016-12-05>` * :bug:`1470` When using `~fabric.operations.get` with glob expressions, a lack of matches for the glob would result in an empty file named after the glob expression (in addition to raising an error). This has been fixed so the empty file is no longer generated. Thanks to Georgy Kibardin for the catch & initial patch. * :feature:`1495` Update the internals of `~fabric.contrib.files` so its members work with SSH servers running on Windows. Thanks to Hamdi Sahloul for the patch. * :support:`1483 backported` (also re: :issue:`1386`, :issue:`1374`, :issue:`1300`) Add :ref:`an FAQ ` about quote problems in remote ``csh`` causing issues with Fabric's shell-wrapping and quote-escaping. Thanks to Michael Radziej for the update. * :support:`1379 backported` (also :issue:`1464`) Clean up a lot of unused imports and similar cruft (many found via ``flake8 --select E4``). Thanks to Mathias Ertl for the original patches. * :bug:`1458` Detect ``known_hosts``-related instances of ``paramiko.SSHException`` and prevent them from being handled like authentication errors (which is the default behavior). This fixes issues with incorrect password prompts or prompt-related exceptions when using ``reject_unknown_hosts`` and encountering missing or bad ``known_hosts`` entries. Thanks to Lukáš Doktor for catch & patch. * :release:`1.12.0 <2016-07-25>` * :release:`1.11.2 <2016-07-25>` * :release:`1.10.4 <2016-07-25>` * :feature:`1491` Implement ``sudo``-specific password caching (:ref:`docs `). This can be used to work around issues where over-eager submission of ``env.password`` at login time causes authentication problems (e.g. during two-factor auth). * :bug:`1447` Fix a relative import in ``fabric.network`` to be correctly/consistently absolute instead. Thanks to ``@bildzeitung`` for catch & patch. * :release:`1.11.1 <2016-04-09>` * :bug:`- (==1.11)` Bumped version to ``1.11.1`` due to apparently accidentally uploading a false ``1.11.0`` to PyPI sometime in the past (PyPI is secure & prevents reusing deleted filenames.) We have no memory of this, but databases don't lie! * :release:`1.11.0 <2016-04-09>` * :release:`1.10.3 <2016-04-09>` * :bug:`1135` (via :issue:`1241`) Modified order of operations in `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` to apply environment vars before prefixing commands (instead of after). Report by ``@warsamebashir``, patch by Curtis Mattoon. * :feature:`1203` (via :issue:`1240`) Add a ``case_sensitive`` kwarg to `~fabric.contrib.files.contains` (which toggles use of ``egrep -i``). Report by ``@xoul``, patch by Curtis Mattoon. * :feature:`800` Add ``capture_buffer_size`` kwarg to `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` so users can limit memory usage in situations where subprocesses generate very large amounts of stdout/err. Thanks to Jordan Starcher for the report & Omri Bahumi for an early version of the patchset. * :feature:`1161` Add ``use_sudo`` kwarg to `~fabric.operations.reboot`. Credit: Bryce Verdier. * :support:`943 backported` Tweak ``env.warn_only`` docs to note that it applies to all operations, not just ``run``/``sudo``. Thanks ``@akitada``. * :feature:`932` Add a ``temp_dir`` kwarg to `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template` which is passed into its inner `~fabric.operations.put` call. Thanks to ``@nburlett`` for the patch. * :support:`1257 backported` Add notes to the usage docs for ``fab`` regarding the program's exit status. Credit: ``@koalaman``. * :feature:`1261` Expose Paramiko's Kerberos functionality as Fabric config vars & command-line options. Thanks to Ramanan Sivaranjan for catch & patch, and to Johannes Löthberg & Michael Bennett for additional testing. * :feature:`1271` Allow users whose fabfiles use `fabric.colors` to disable colorization at runtime by specifying ``FABRIC_DISABLE_COLORS=1`` (or any other non-empty value). Credit: Eric Berg. * :feature:`1326` Make `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project` aware of ``env.gateway``, using a ``ProxyCommand`` under the hood. Credit: David Rasch. * :support:`1359` Add a more-visible top-level ``CHANGELOG.rst`` pointing users to the actual changelog stored within the Sphinx directory tree. Thanks to Jonathan Vanasco for catch & patch. * :feature:`1388` Expose Jinja's ``keep_trailing_newline`` parameter in `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template` so users can force template renders to preserve trailing newlines. Thanks to Chen Lei for the patch. * :bug:`1389 major` Gently overhaul SSH port derivation so it's less surprising; previously, any non-default value stored in ``env.port`` was overriding all SSH-config derived values. See the API docs for `~fabric.network.normalize` for details on how it now behaves. Thanks to Harry Weppner for catch & patch. * :support:`1454 backported` Remove use of ``:option:`` directives in the changelog, it's currently broken in modern Sphinx & doesn't seem to have actually functioned on Renaissance-era Sphinx either. * :bug:`1365` (via :issue:`1372`) Classic-style fabfiles (ones not using ``@task``) erroneously included custom exception subclasses when collecting tasks. This is now fixed thanks to ``@mattvonrocketstein``. * :bug:`1348` (via :issue:`1361`) Fix a bug in `~fabric.operations.get` where remote file paths containing Python string formatting escape codes caused an exception. Thanks to ``@natecode`` for the report and Bradley Spink for the fix. * :release:`1.10.2 <2015-06-19>` * :support:`1325` Clarify `~fabric.operations.put` docs re: the ``mode`` argument. Thanks to ``@mjmare`` for the catch. * :bug:`1318` Update functionality added in :issue:`1213` so abort error messages don't get printed twice (once by us, once by ``sys.exit``) but the annotated exception error message is retained. Thanks to Felix Almeida for the report. * :bug:`1305` (also :issue:`1313`) Fix a couple minor issues with the operation of & demo code for the ``JobQueue`` class. Thanks to ``@dioh`` and Horst Gutmann for the report & Cameron Lane for the patch. * :bug:`980` (also :issue:`1312`) Redirect output of ``cd`` to ``/dev/null`` so users enabling bash's ``CDPATH`` (or similar features in other shells) don't have polluted output captures. Thanks to Alex North-Keys for the original report & Steve Ivy for the fix. * :bug:`1289` Fix "NameError: free variable referenced before assignment in enclosing scope". Thanks to ``@SamuelMarks`` for catch & patch. * :bug:`1286` (also :issue:`971`, :issue:`1032`) Recursively unwrap decorators instead of only unwrapping a single decorator level, when obtaining task docstrings. Thanks to Avishai Ish-Shalom for the original report & Max Kovgan for the patch. * :bug:`1273` Fix issue with ssh/config not having a cross-platform default path. Thanks to ``@SamuelMarks`` for catch & patch. * :feature:`1200` Introduced ``exceptions`` output level, so users don't have to deal with the debug output just to see tracebacks. * :support:`1239` Update README to work better under raw docutils so the example code block is highlighted as Python on PyPI (and not just on our Sphinx-driven website). Thanks to Marc Abramowitz. * :release:`1.10.1 <2014-12-19>` * :release:`1.9.2 <2014-12-19>` * :bug:`1201` Don't naively glob all `~fabric.operations.get` targets - only glob actual directories. This avoids incorrectly yielding permission errors in edge cases where a requested file is within a directory lacking the read permission bit. Thanks to Sassa Nf for the original report. * :bug:`1019` (also :issue:`1022`, :issue:`1186`) Fix "is a tty" tests in environments where streams (eg ``sys.stdout``) have been replaced with objects lacking a ``.isatty()`` method. Thanks to Miki Tebeka for the original report, Lele Long for a subsequent patch, and Julien Phalip for the final/merged patch. * :support:`1213 backported` Add useful exception message to the implicit ``SystemExit`` raised by Fabric's use of ``sys.exit`` inside the `~fabric.api.abort` function. This allows client code catching ``SystemExit`` to have better introspection into the error. Thanks to Ioannis Panousis. * :bug:`1228` Update the ``CommandTimeout`` class so it has a useful ``str`` instead of appearing blank when caught by Fabric's top level exception handling. Catch & patch from Tomaz Muraus. * :bug:`1180` Fix issue with unicode steam outputs crashing if stream encoding type is None. Thanks to ``@joekiller`` for catch & patch. * :support:`958 backported` Remove the Git SHA portion of our version string generation; it was rarely useful & occasionally caused issues for users with non-Git-based source checkouts. * :support:`1229 backported` Add some missing API doc hyperlink references. Thanks to Tony Narlock. * :bug:`1226` Update `~fabric.operations.get` to ensure that `env.user` has access to tempfiles before changing permissions. Also corrected permissions from 404 to 0400 to match comment. Patch by Curtis Mattoon; original report from Daniel Watkins. * :release:`1.10.0 <2014-09-04>` * :bug:`1188 major` Update `~fabric.operations.local` to close non-pipe file descriptors in the child process so subsequent calls to `~fabric.operations.local` aren't blocked on e.g. already-connected network sockets. Thanks to Tolbkni Kao for catch & patch. * :feature:`700` Added ``use_sudo`` and ``temp_dir`` params to `~fabric.operations.get`. This allows downloading files normally not accessible to the user using ``sudo``. Thanks to Jason Coombs for initial report and to Alex Plugaru for the patch (:issue:`1121`). * :feature:`1098` Add support for dict style roledefs. Thanks to Jonas Lundberg. * :feature:`1090` Add option to skip unknown tasks. Credit goes to Jonas Lundberg. * :feature:`975` Fabric can now be invoked via ``python -m fabric`` in addition to the typical use of the ``fab`` entrypoint. Patch courtesy of Jason Coombs. .. note:: This functionality is only available under Python 2.7. * :release:`1.9.1 <2014-08-06>` * :release:`1.8.5 <2014-08-06>` * :release:`1.7.5 <2014-08-06>` * :bug:`1165` Prevent infinite loop condition when a gateway host is enabled & the same host is in the regular target host list. Thanks to ``@CzBiX`` for catch & patch. * :bug:`1147` Use ``stat`` instead of ``lstat`` when testing directory-ness in the SFTP module. This allows recursive downloads to avoid recursing into symlinks unexpectedly. Thanks to Igor Kalnitsky for the patch. * :bug:`1146` Fix a bug where `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template` failed to honor ``lcd`` when ``mirror_local_mode`` is ``True``. Thanks to Laszlo Marai for catch & patch. * :bug:`1134` Skip bad hosts when the tasks are executed in parallel. Thanks to Igor Maravić ``@i-maravic``. * :bug:`852` Fix to respect ``template_dir`` for non Jinja2 templates in `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template`. Thanks to Adam Kowalski for the patch and Alex Plugaru for the initial test case. * :bug:`1096` Encode Unicode text appropriately for its target stream object to avoid issues on non-ASCII systems. Thanks to Toru Uetani for the original patch. * :bug:`1059` Update IPv6 support to work with link-local address formats. Fix courtesy of ``@obormot``. * :bug:`1026` Fix a typo preventing quiet operation of `~fabric.contrib.files.is_link`. Caught by ``@dongweiming``. * :bug:`600` Clear out connection caches in full when prepping parallel-execution subprocesses. This avoids corner cases causing hangs/freezes due to client/socket reuse. Thanks to Ruslan Lutsenko for the initial report and Romain Chossart for the suggested fix. * :bug:`1167` Add Jinja to ``test_requires`` in ``setup.py`` for the couple of newish tests that now require it. Thanks to Kubilay Kocak for the catch. * :release:`1.9.0 <2014-06-08>` * :feature:`1078` Add ``.command`` and ``.real_command`` attributes to ``local`` return value. Thanks to Alexander Teves (``@alexanderteves``) and Konrad Hałas (``@konradhalas``). * :feature:`938` Add an env var :ref:`env.effective_roles ` specifying roles used in the currently executing command. Thanks to Piotr Betkier for the patch. * :feature:`1101` Reboot operation now supports custom command. Thanks to Jonas Lejon. * :support:`1106` Fix a misleading/ambiguous example snippet in the ``fab`` usage docs to be clearer. Thanks to ``@zed``. * :release:`1.8.4 <2014-06-08>` * :release:`1.7.4 <2014-06-08>` * :bug:`898` Treat paths that begin with tilde "~" as absolute paths instead of relative. Thanks to Alex Plugaru for the patch and Dan Craig for the suggestion. * :support:`1105 backported` Enhance ``setup.py`` to allow Paramiko 1.13+ under Python 2.6+. Thanks to to ``@Arfrever`` for catch & patch. * :release:`1.8.3 <2014-03-21>` * :release:`1.7.3 <2014-03-21>` * :support:`- backported` Modified packaging data to reflect that Fabric requires Paramiko < 1.13 (which dropped Python 2.5 support.) * :feature:`1082` Add ``pty`` passthrough kwarg to `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template`. * :release:`1.8.2 <2014-02-14>` * :release:`1.7.2 <2014-02-14>` * :bug:`955` Quote directories created as part of ``put``'s recursive directory uploads when ``use_sudo=True`` so directories with shell meta-characters (such as spaces) work correctly. Thanks to John Harris for the catch. * :bug:`917` Correct an issue with ``put(use_sudo=True, mode=xxx)`` where the ``chmod`` was trying to apply to the wrong location. Thanks to Remco (``@nl5887``) for catch & patch. * :bug:`1046` Fix typo preventing use of ProxyCommand in some situations. Thanks to Keith Yang. * :release:`1.8.1 <2013-12-24>` * :release:`1.7.1 <2013-12-24>` * :release:`1.6.4 <2013-12-24>` 956, 957 * :release:`1.5.5 <2013-12-24>` 956, 957 * :bug:`956` Fix pty size detection when running inside Emacs. Thanks to `@akitada` for catch & patch. * :bug:`957` Fix bug preventing use of :ref:`env.gateway ` with targets requiring password authentication. Thanks to Daniel González, `@Bengrunt` and `@adrianbn` for their bug reports. * :feature:`741` Add :ref:`env.prompts ` dictionary, allowing users to set up custom prompt responses (similar to the built-in sudo prompt auto-responder.) Thanks to Nigel Owens and David Halter for the patch. * :bug:`965 major` Tweak IO flushing behavior when in linewise (& thus parallel) mode so interwoven output is less frequent. Thanks to `@akidata` for catch & patch. * :bug:`948` Handle connection failures due to server load and try connecting to hosts a number of times specified in :ref:`env.connection_attempts `. * :release:`1.8.0 <2013-09-20>` * :feature:`931` Allow overriding of `.abort` behavior via a custom exception-returning callable set as :ref:`env.abort_exception `. Thanks to Chris Rose for the patch. * :support:`984 backported` Make this changelog easier to read! Now with per-release sections, generated automatically from the old timeline source format. * :feature:`910` Added a keyword argument to rsync_project to configure the default options. Thanks to ``@moorepants`` for the patch. * :release:`1.7.0 <2013-07-26>` * :release:`1.6.2 <2013-07-26>` * :feature:`925` Added `contrib.files.is_link <.is_link>`. Thanks to `@jtangas` for the patch. * :feature:`922` Task argument strings are now displayed when using ``fab -d``. Thanks to Kevin Qiu for the patch. * :bug:`912` Leaving ``template_dir`` un-specified when using `.upload_template` in Jinja mode used to cause ``'NoneType' has no attribute 'startswith'`` errors. This has been fixed. Thanks to Erick Yellott for catch & to Erick Yellott + Kevin Williams for patches. * :feature:`924` Add new env var option :ref:`colorize-errors` to enable coloring errors and warnings. Thanks to Aaron Meurer for the patch. * :bug:`593` Non-ASCII character sets in Jinja templates rendered within `.upload_template` would cause ``UnicodeDecodeError`` when uploaded. This has been addressed by encoding as ``utf-8`` prior to upload. Thanks to Sébastien Fievet for the catch. * :feature:`908` Support loading SSH keys from memory. Thanks to Caleb Groom for the patch. * :bug:`171` Added missing cross-references from ``env`` variables documentation to corresponding command-line options. Thanks to Daniel D. Beck for the contribution. * :bug:`884` The password cache feature was not working correctly with password-requiring SSH gateway connections. That's fixed now. Thanks to Marco Nenciarini for the catch. * :feature:`826` Enable sudo extraction of compressed archive via `use_sudo` kwarg in `.upload_project`. Thanks to ``@abec`` for the patch. * :bug:`694 major` Allow users to work around ownership issues in the default remote login directory: add ``temp_dir`` kwarg for explicit specification of which "bounce" folder to use when calling `.put` with ``use_sudo=True``. Thanks to Devin Bayer for the report & Dieter Plaetinck / Jesse Myers for suggesting the workaround. * :bug:`882` Fix a `.get` bug regarding spaces in remote working directory names. Thanks to Chris Rose for catch & patch. * :release:`1.6.1 <2013-05-23>` * :bug:`868` Substantial speedup of parallel tasks by removing an unnecessary blocking timeout in the ``JobQueue`` loop. Thanks to Simo Kinnunen for the patch. * :bug:`328` `.lcd` was no longer being correctly applied to `.upload_template`; this has been fixed. Thanks to Joseph Lawson for the catch. * :feature:`812` Add ``use_glob`` option to `.put` so users trying to upload real filenames containing glob patterns (``*``, ``[`` etc) can disable the default globbing behavior. Thanks to Michael McHugh for the patch. * :bug:`864 major` Allow users to disable Fabric's auto-escaping in `.run`/`.sudo`. Thanks to Christian Long and Michael McHugh for the patch. * :bug:`870` Changes to shell env var escaping highlighted some extraneous and now damaging whitespace in `with path(): <.path>`. This has been removed and a regression test added. * :bug:`871` Use of string mode values in `put(local, remote, mode="NNNN") <.put>` would sometimes cause ``Unsupported operand`` errors. This has been fixed. * :bug:`84 major` Fixed problem with missing -r flag in Mac OS X sed version. Thanks to Konrad Hałas for the patch. * :bug:`861` Gracefully handle situations where users give a single string literal to ``env.hosts``. Thanks to Bill Tucker for catch & patch. * :bug:`367` Expand paths with tilde inside (``contrib.files``). Thanks to Konrad Hałas for catch & patch. * :feature:`845 backported` Downstream synchronization option implemented for `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project`. Thanks to Antonio Barrero for the patch. * :release:`1.6.0 <2013-03-01>` * :release:`1.5.4 <2013-03-01>` * :bug:`844` Account for SSH config overhaul in Paramiko 1.10 by e.g. updating treatment of ``IdentityFile`` to handle multiple values. **This and related SSH config parsing changes are backwards incompatible**; we are including them in this release because they do fix incorrect, off-spec behavior. * :bug:`843` Ensure string ``pool_size`` values get run through ``int()`` before deriving final result (stdlib ``min()`` has odd behavior here...). Thanks to Chris Kastorff for the catch. * :bug:`839` Fix bug in `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project` where IPv6 address were not always correctly detected. Thanks to Antonio Barrero for catch & patch. * :bug:`587` Warn instead of aborting when :ref:`env.use_ssh_config ` is True but the configured SSH conf file doesn't exist. This allows multi-user fabfiles to enable SSH config without causing hard stops for users lacking SSH configs. Thanks to Rodrigo Pimentel for the report. * :feature:`821` Add `~fabric.context_managers.remote_tunnel` to allow reverse SSH tunneling (exposing locally-visible network ports to the remote end). Thanks to Giovanni Bajo for the patch. * :feature:`823` Add :ref:`env.remote_interrupt ` which controls whether Ctrl-C is forwarded to the remote end or is captured locally (previously, only the latter behavior was implemented). Thanks to Geert Jansen for the patch. * :release:`1.5.3 <2013-01-28>` * :bug:`806` Force strings given to ``getpass`` during password prompts to be ASCII, to prevent issues on some platforms when Unicode is encountered. Thanks to Alex Louden for the patch. * :bug:`805` Update `~fabric.context_managers.shell_env` to play nice with Windows (7, at least) systems and `~fabric.operations.local`. Thanks to Fernando Macedo for the patch. * :bug:`654` Parallel runs whose sum total of returned data was large (e.g. large return values from the task, or simply a large number of hosts in the host list) were causing frustrating hangs. This has been fixed. * :feature:`402` Attempt to detect stale SSH sessions and reconnect when they arise. Thanks to `@webengineer` for the patch. * :bug:`791` Cast `~fabric.operations.reboot`'s ``wait`` parameter to a numeric type in case the caller submitted a string by mistake. Thanks to Thomas Schreiber for the patch. * :bug:`703 major` Add a ``shell`` kwarg to many methods in `~fabric.contrib.files` to help avoid conflicts with `~fabric.context_managers.cd` and similar. Thanks to `@mikek` for the patch. * :feature:`730` Add :ref:`env.system_known_hosts/--system-known-hosts ` to allow loading a user-specified system-level SSH ``known_hosts`` file. Thanks to Roy Smith for the patch. * :release:`1.5.2 <2013-01-15>` * :feature:`818` Added :ref:`env.eagerly_disconnect ` option to help prevent pile-up of many open connections. * :feature:`706` Added :ref:`env.tasks `, returning list of tasks to be executed by current ``fab`` command. * :bug:`766` Use the variable name of a new-style ``fabric.tasks.Task`` subclass object when the object name attribute is undefined. Thanks to `@todddeluca` for the patch. * :bug:`604` Fixed wrong treatment of backslashes in put operation when uploading directory tree on Windows. Thanks to Jason Coombs for the catch and `@diresys` & Oliver Janik for the patch. for the patch. * :bug:`792` The newish `~fabric.context_managers.shell_env` context manager was incorrectly omitted from the ``fabric.api`` import endpoint. This has been remedied. Thanks to Vishal Rana for the catch. * :feature:`735` Add ``ok_ret_codes`` option to ``env`` to allow alternate return codes to be treated os "ok". Thanks to Andy Kraut for the pull request. * :bug:`775` Shell escaping was incorrectly applied to the value of ``$PATH`` updates in our shell environment handling, causing (at the very least) `~fabric.operations.local` binary paths to become inoperable in certain situations. This has been fixed. * :feature:`787` Utilize new Paramiko feature allowing us to skip the use of temporary local files when using file-like objects in `~fabric.operations.get`/`~fabric.operations.put`. * :feature:`249` Allow specification of remote command timeout value by setting :ref:`env.command_timeout `. Thanks to Paul McMillan for suggestion & initial patch. * Added current host string to prompt abort error messages. * :release:`1.5.1 <2012-11-15>` * :bug:`776` Fixed serious-but-non-obvious bug in direct-tcpip driven gatewaying (e.g. that triggered by ``-g`` or ``env.gateway``.) Should work correctly now. * :bug:`771` Sphinx autodoc helper `~fabric.docs.unwrap_tasks` didn't play nice with ``@task(name=xxx)`` in some situations. This has been fixed. * :release:`1.5.0 <2012-11-06>` * :release:`1.4.4 <2012-11-06>` * :feature:`38` (also :issue:`698`) Implement both SSH-level and ``ProxyCommand``-based gatewaying for SSH traffic. (This is distinct from tunneling non-SSH traffic over the SSH connection, which is :issue:`78` and not implemented yet.) * Thanks in no particular order to Erwin Bolwidt, Oskari Saarenmaa, Steven Noonan, Vladimir Lazarenko, Lincoln de Sousa, Valentino Volonghi, Olle Lundberg and Github user `@acrish` for providing the original patches to both Fabric and Paramiko. * :feature:`684 backported` (also :issue:`569`) Update how `~fabric.decorators.task` wraps task functions to preserve additional metadata; this allows decorated functions to play nice with Sphinx autodoc. Thanks to Jaka Hudoklin for catch & patch. * :support:`103` (via :issue:`748`) Long standing Sphinx autodoc issue requiring error-prone duplication of function signatures in our API docs has been fixed. Thanks to Alex Morega for the patch. * :bug:`767 major` Fix (and add test for) regression re: having linewise output automatically activate when parallelism is in effect. Thanks to Alexander Fortin and Dustin McQuay for the bug reports. * :bug:`736 major` Ensure context managers that build env vars play nice with ``contextlib.nested`` by deferring env var reference to entry time, not call time. Thanks to Matthew Tretter for catch & patch. * :feature:`763` Add ``--initial-password-prompt`` to allow prefilling the password cache at the start of a run. Great for sudo-powered parallel runs. * :feature:`665` (and #629) Update `~fabric.contrib.files.upload_template` to have a more useful return value, namely that of its internal `~fabric.operations.put` call. Thanks to Miquel Torres for the catch & Rodrigue Alcazar for the patch. * :feature:`578` Add ``name`` argument to `~fabric.decorators.task` (:ref:`docs `) to allow overriding of the default "function name is task name" behavior. Thanks to Daniel Simmons for catch & patch. * :feature:`761` Allow advanced users to parameterize ``fabric.main.main()`` to force loading of specific fabfiles. * :bug:`749` Gracefully work around calls to ``fabric.version`` on systems lacking ``/bin/sh`` (which causes an ``OSError`` in ``subprocess.Popen`` calls.) * :feature:`723` Add the ``group=`` argument to `~fabric.operations.sudo`. Thanks to Antti Kaihola for the pull request. * :feature:`725` Updated `~fabric.operations.local` to allow override of which local shell is used. Thanks to Mustafa Khattab. * :bug:`704 major` Fix up a bunch of Python 2.x style ``print`` statements to be forwards compatible. Thanks to Francesco Del Degan for the patch. * :feature:`491` (also :feature:`385`) IPv6 host string support. Thanks to Max Arnold for the patch. * :feature:`699` Allow `name` attribute on file-like objects for get/put. Thanks to Peter Lyons for the pull request. * :bug:`711 major` `~fabric.sftp.get` would fail when filenames had % in their path. Thanks to John Begeman * :bug:`702 major` `~fabric.operations.require` failed to test for "empty" values in the env keys it checks (e.g. ``require('a-key-whose-value-is-an-empty-list')`` would register a successful result instead of alerting that the value was in fact empty. This has been fixed, thanks to Rich Schumacher. * :bug:`718` ``isinstance(foo, Bar)`` is used in `~fabric.main` instead of ``type(foo) == Bar`` in order to fix some edge cases. Thanks to Mikhail Korobov. * :bug:`693` Fixed edge case where ``abort`` driven failures within parallel tasks could result in a top level exception (a ``KeyError``) regarding error handling. Thanks to Marcin Kuźmiński for the report. * :support:`681 backported` Fixed outdated docstring for `~fabric.decorators.runs_once` which claimed it would get run multiple times in parallel mode. That behavior was fixed in an earlier release but the docs were not updated. Thanks to Jan Brauer for the catch. * :release:`1.4.3 <2012-07-06>` * :release:`1.3.8 <2012-07-06>` * :feature:`263` Shell environment variable support for `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` added in the form of the `~fabric.context_managers.shell_env` context manager. Thanks to Oliver Tonnhofer for the original pull request, and to Kamil Kisiel for the final implementation. * :feature:`669` Updates to our Windows compatibility to rely more heavily on cross-platform Python stdlib implementations. Thanks to Alexey Diyan for the patch. * :bug:`671` :ref:`reject-unknown-hosts` sometimes resulted in a password prompt instead of an abort. This has been fixed. Thanks to Roy Smith for the report. * :bug:`659` Update docs to reflect that `~fabric.operations.local` currently honors :ref:`env.path `. Thanks to `@floledermann `_ for the catch. * :bug:`652` Show available commands when aborting on invalid command names. * :support:`651 backported` Added note about nesting ``with`` statements on Python 2.6+. Thanks to Jens Rantil for the patch. * :bug:`649` Don't swallow non-``abort``-driven exceptions in parallel mode. Fabric correctly printed such exceptions, and returned them from `~fabric.tasks.execute`, but did not actually cause the child or parent processes to halt with a nonzero status. This has been fixed. `~fabric.tasks.execute` now also honors :ref:`env.warn_only ` so users may still opt to call it by hand and inspect the returned exceptions, instead of encountering a hard stop. Thanks to Matt Robenolt for the catch. * :feature:`241` Add the command executed as a ``.command`` attribute to the return value of `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`. (Also includes a second attribute containing the "real" command executed, including the shell wrapper and any escaping.) * :feature:`646` Allow specification of which local streams to use when `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` print the remote stdout/stderr, via e.g. ``run("command", stderr=sys.stdout)``. * :support:`645 backported` Update Sphinx docs to work well when run out of a source tarball as opposed to a Git checkout. Thanks again to `@Arfrever` for the catch. * :support:`640 backported` (also :issue:`644`) Update packaging manifest so sdist tarballs include all necessary test & doc files. Thanks to Mike Gilbert and `@Arfrever` for catch & patch. * :feature:`627` Added convenient ``quiet`` and ``warn_only`` keyword arguments to `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` which are aliases for ``settings(hide('everything'), warn_only=True)`` and ``settings(warn_only=True)``, respectively. (Also added corresponding `context ` `managers `.) Useful for remote program calls which are expected to fail and/or whose output doesn't need to be shown to users. * :feature:`633` Allow users to turn off host list deduping by setting :ref:`env.dedupe_hosts ` to ``False``. This enables running the same task multiple times on a single host, which was previously not possible. * :support:`634 backported` Clarified that `~fabric.context_managers.lcd` does no special handling re: the user's current working directory, and thus relative paths given to it will be relative to ``os.getcwd()``. Thanks to `@techtonik `_ for the catch. * :release:`1.4.2 <2012-05-07>` * :release:`1.3.7 <2012-05-07>` * :bug:`562` Agent forwarding would error out or freeze when multiple uses of the forwarded agent were used per remote invocation (e.g. a single `~fabric.operations.run` command resulting in multiple Git or SVN checkouts.) This has been fixed thanks to Steven McDonald and GitHub user `@lynxis`. * :support:`626 backported` Clarity updates to the tutorial. Thanks to GitHub user `m4z` for the patches. * :bug:`625` `~fabric.context_managers.hide`/`~fabric.context_managers.show` did not correctly restore prior display settings if an exception was raised inside the block. This has been fixed. * :bug:`624` Login password prompts did not always display the username being authenticated for. This has been fixed. Thanks to Nick Zalutskiy for catch & patch. * :bug:`617` Fix the ``clean_revert`` behavior of `~fabric.context_managers.settings` so it doesn't ``KeyError`` for newly created settings keys. Thanks to Chris Streeter for the catch. * :feature:`615` Updated `~fabric.operations.sudo` to honor the new setting :ref:`env.sudo_user ` as a default for its ``user`` kwarg. * :bug:`616` Add port number to the error message displayed upon connection failures. * :bug:`609` (and :issue:`564`) Document and clean up :ref:`env.sudo_prefix ` so it can be more easily modified by users facing uncommon use cases. Thanks to GitHub users `3point2` for the cleanup and `SirScott` for the documentation catch. * :bug:`610` Change detection of ``env.key_filename``'s type (added as part of SSH config support in 1.4) so it supports arbitrary iterables. Thanks to Brandon Rhodes for the catch. * :release:`1.4.1 <2012-04-04>` * :release:`1.3.6 <2012-04-04>` * :bug:`608` Add ``capture`` kwarg to `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project` to aid in debugging rsync problems. * :bug:`607` Allow `~fabric.operations.local` to display stdout/stderr when it warns/aborts, if it was capturing them. * :bug:`395` Added :ref:`an FAQ entry ` detailing how to handle init scripts which misbehave when a pseudo-tty is allocated. * :bug:`568` `~fabric.tasks.execute` allowed too much of its internal state changes (to variables such as ``env.host_string`` and ``env.parallel``) to persist after execution completed; this caused a number of different incorrect behaviors. `~fabric.tasks.execute` has been overhauled to clean up its own state changes -- while preserving any state changes made by the task being executed. * :bug:`584` `~fabric.contrib.project.upload_project` did not take explicit remote directory location into account when untarring, and now uses `~fabric.context_managers.cd` to address this. Thanks to Ben Burry for the patch. * :bug:`458` `~fabric.decorators.with_settings` did not perfectly match `~fabric.context_managers.settings`, re: ability to inline additional context managers. This has been corrected. Thanks to Rory Geoghegan for the patch. * :bug:`499` `contrib.files.first ` used an outdated function signature in its wrapped `~fabric.contrib.files.exists` call. This has been fixed. Thanks to Massimiliano Torromeo for catch & patch. * :bug:`551` ``--list`` output now detects terminal window size and truncates (or doesn't truncate) accordingly. Thanks to Horacio G. de Oro for the initial pull request. * :bug:`572` Parallel task aborts (as oppposed to unhandled exceptions) now correctly print their abort messages instead of tracebacks, and cause the parent process to exit with the correct (nonzero) return code. Thanks to Ian Langworth for the catch. * :bug:`306` Remote paths now use posixpath for a separator. Thanks to Jason Coombs for the patch. * :release:`1.4.0 <2012-02-13>` * :release:`1.3.5 <2012-02-13>` * :release:`1.2.6 <2012-02-13>` * :release:`1.1.8 <2012-02-13>` * :bug:`495` Fixed documentation example showing how to subclass `~fabric.tasks.Task`. Thanks to Brett Haydon for the catch and Mark Merritt for the patch. * :bug:`410` Fixed a bug where using the `~fabric.decorators.task` decorator inside/under another decorator such as `~fabric.decorators.hosts` could cause that task to become invalid when invoked by name (due to how old-style vs new-style tasks are detected.) Thanks to Dan Colish for the initial patch. * :feature:`559` `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project` now allows users to append extra SSH-specific arguments to ``rsync``'s ``--rsh`` flag. * :feature:`138` :ref:`env.port ` may now be written to at fabfile module level to set a default nonstandard port number. Previously this value was read-only. * :feature:`3` Fabric can now load a subset of SSH config functionality directly from your local ``~/.ssh/config`` if :ref:`env.use_ssh_config ` is set to ``True``. See :ref:`ssh-config` for details. Thanks to Kirill Pinchuk for the initial patch. * :feature:`12` Added the ability to try connecting multiple times to temporarily-down remote systems, instead of immediately failing. (Default behavior is still to only try once.) See :ref:`env.timeout ` and :ref:`env.connection_attempts ` for controlling both connection timeouts and total number of attempts. `~fabric.operations.reboot` has also been overhauled (but practically deprecated -- see its updated docs.) * :feature:`474` `~fabric.tasks.execute` now allows you to access the executed task's return values, by itself returning a dictionary whose keys are the host strings executed against. * :bug:`487 major` Overhauled the regular expression escaping performed in `~fabric.contrib.files.append` and `~fabric.contrib.files.contains` to try and handle more corner cases. Thanks to Neilen Marais for the patch. * :support:`532` Reorganized and cleaned up the output of ``fab --help``. * :feature:`8` Added ``--skip-bad-hosts``/:ref:`env.skip_bad_hosts ` option to allow skipping past temporarily down/unreachable hosts. * :feature:`13` Env vars may now be set at runtime via the new ``--set`` command-line flag. * :feature:`506` A new :ref:`output alias `, ``commands``, has been added, which allows hiding remote stdout and local "running command X" output lines. * :feature:`72` SSH agent forwarding support has made it into Fabric's SSH library, and hooks for using it have been added (disabled by default; use ``-A`` or :ref:`env.forward_agent ` to enable.) Thanks to Ben Davis for porting an existing Paramiko patch to `ssh` and providing the necessary tweak to Fabric. * :release:`1.3.4 <2012-01-12>` * :bug:`492` `@parallel ` did not automatically trigger :ref:`linewise output `, as was intended. This has been fixed. Thanks to Brandon Huey for the catch. * :bug:`510` Parallel mode is incompatible with user input, such as password/hostname prompts, and was causing cryptic `Operation not supported by device` errors when such prompts needed to be displayed. This behavior has been updated to cleanly and obviously ``abort`` instead. * :bug:`494` Fixed regression bug affecting some `env` values such as `env.port` under parallel mode. Symptoms included `~fabric.contrib.project.rsync_project` bailing out due to a None port value when run under `@parallel `. Thanks to Rob Terhaar for the report. * :bug:`339` Don't show imported `~fabric.colors` members in ``--list`` output. Thanks to Nick Trew for the report. * :release:`1.3.3 <2011-11-23>` * :release:`1.2.5 <2011-11-23>` * :release:`1.1.7 <2011-11-23>` * :bug:`441` Specifying a task module as a task on the command line no longer blows up but presents the usual "no task by that name" error message instead. Thanks to Mitchell Hashimoto for the catch. * :bug:`475` Allow escaping of equals signs in per-task args/kwargs. * :bug:`450` Improve traceback display when handling ``ImportError`` for dependencies. Thanks to David Wolever for the patches. * :bug:`446` Add QNX to list of secondary-case `~fabric.contrib.files.sed` targets. Thanks to Rodrigo Madruga for the tip. * :bug:`443` `~fabric.contrib.files.exists` didn't expand tildes; now it does. Thanks to Riccardo Magliocchetti for the patch. * :bug:`437` `~fabric.decorators.with_settings` now correctly preserves the wrapped function's docstring and other attributes. Thanks to Eric Buckley for the catch and Luke Plant for the patch. * :bug:`400` Handle corner case of systems where ``pwd.getpwuid`` raises ``KeyError`` for the user's UID instead of returning a valid string. Thanks to Dougal Matthews for the catch. * :bug:`397` Some poorly behaved objects in third party modules triggered exceptions during Fabric's "classic or new-style task?" test. A fix has been added which tries to work around these. * :bug:`341` `~fabric.contrib.files.append` incorrectly failed to detect that the line(s) given already existed in files hidden to the remote user, and continued appending every time it ran. This has been fixed. Thanks to Dominique Peretti for the catch and Martin Vilcans for the patch. * :bug:`342` Combining `~fabric.context_managers.cd` with `~fabric.operations.put` and its ``use_sudo`` keyword caused an unrecoverable error. This has been fixed. Thanks to Egor M for the report. * :bug:`482` Parallel mode should imply linewise output; omission of this behavior was an oversight. * :bug:`230` Fix regression re: combo of no fabfile & arbitrary command use. Thanks to Ali Saifee for the catch. * :release:`1.3.2 <2011-11-07>` * :release:`1.2.4 <2011-11-07>` * :release:`1.1.6 <2011-11-07>` * :support:`459 backported` Update our `setup.py` files to note that PyCrypto released 2.4.1, which fixes the setuptools problems. * :support:`467 backported` (also :issue:`468`, :issue:`469`) Handful of documentation clarification tweaks. Thanks to Paul Hoffman for the patches. * :release:`1.3.1 <2011-10-24>` * :bug:`457` Ensured that Fabric fast-fails parallel tasks if any child processes encountered errors. Previously, multi-task invocations would continue to the 2nd, etc task when failures occurred, which does not fit with how Fabric usually behaves. Thanks to Github user ``sdcooke`` for the report and Morgan Goose for the fix. * :release:`1.3.0 <2011-10-23>` * :release:`1.2.3 <2011-10-23>` * :release:`1.1.5 <2011-10-23>` * :release:`1.0.5 <2011-10-23>` * :support:`275` To support an edge use case of the features released in :issue:`19`, and to lay the foundation for :issue:`275`, we have forked Paramiko into the `Python 'ssh' library `_ and changed our dependency to it for Fabric 1.3 and higher. This may have implications for the more uncommon install use cases, and package maintainers, but we hope to iron out any issues as they come up. * :bug:`323` `~fabric.operations.put` forgot how to expand leading tildes in the remote file path. This has been corrected. Thanks to Piet Delport for the catch. * :feature:`21` It is now possible, using the new `~fabric.tasks.execute` API call, to execute task objects (by reference or by name) from within other tasks or in library mode. `~fabric.tasks.execute` honors the other tasks' `~fabric.decorators.hosts`/`~fabric.decorators.roles` decorators, and also supports passing in explicit host and/or role arguments. * :feature:`19` Tasks may now be optionally executed in parallel. Please see the :ref:`parallel execution docs ` for details. Major thanks to Morgan Goose for the initial implementation. * :bug:`182` During display of remote stdout/stderr, Fabric occasionally printed extraneous line prefixes (which in turn sometimes overwrote wrapped text.) This has been fixed. * :bug:`430` Tasks decorated with `~fabric.decorators.runs_once` printed extraneous 'Executing...' status lines on subsequent invocations. This is noisy at best and misleading at worst, and has been corrected. Thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the report. * :release:`1.2.2 <2011-09-01>` * :release:`1.1.4 <2011-09-01>` * :release:`1.0.4 <2011-09-01>` * :bug:`252` `~fabric.context_managers.settings` would silently fail to set ``env`` values for keys which did not exist outside the context manager block. It now works as expected. Thanks to Will Maier for the catch and suggested solution. * :support:`393 backported` Fixed a typo in an example code snippet in the task docs. Thanks to Hugo Garza for the catch. * :bug:`396` ``--shortlist`` broke after the addition of ``--list-format`` and no longer displayed the short list format correctly. This has been fixed. * :bug:`373` Re-added missing functionality preventing :ref:`host exclusion ` from working correctly. * :bug:`303` Updated terminal size detection to correctly skip over non-tty stdout, such as when running ``fab taskname | other_command``. * :release:`1.2.1 <2011-08-21>` * :release:`1.1.3 <2011-08-21>` * :release:`1.0.3 <2011-08-21>` * :bug:`417` :ref:`abort-on-prompts` would incorrectly abort when set to True, even if both password and host were defined. This has been fixed. Thanks to Valerie Ishida for the report. * :support:`416 backported` Updated documentation to reflect move from Redmine to Github. * :bug:`389` Fixed/improved error handling when Paramiko import fails. Thanks to Brian Luft for the catch. * :release:`1.2.0 <2011-07-12>` * :feature:`22` Enhanced `@task ` to add :ref:`aliasing `, :ref:`per-module default tasks `, and :ref:`control over the wrapping task class `. Thanks to Travis Swicegood for the initial work and collaboration. * :bug:`380` Improved unicode support when testing objects for being string-like. Thanks to Jiri Barton for catch & patch. * :support:`382` Experimental overhaul of changelog formatting & process to make supporting multiple lines of development less of a hassle. * :release:`1.1.2 <2011-07-07>` * :release:`1.0.2 <2011-06-24>`