====================== Running Fabric's Tests ====================== Fabric is maintained with 100% passing tests. Where possible, patches should include tests covering the changes, making things far easier to verify & merge. When developing on Fabric, it works best to establish a `virtualenv`_ to install the dependencies in isolation for running tests. .. _`virtualenv`: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/ .. _first-time-setup: First-time Setup ================ * Fork the `repository`_ on GitHub * Clone your new fork (e.g. ``git clone git@github.com:/fabric.git``) * ``cd fabric`` * ``virtualenv env`` * ``. env/bin/activate`` * ``pip install -r dev-requirements.txt`` * ``python setup.py develop`` .. _`repository`: https://github.com/ploxiln/fab-classic .. _running-tests: Running Tests ============= Once your virtualenv is activated (``. env/bin/activate``) & you have the latest requirements, running tests is just:: nosetests tests/ You should **always** run tests on ``master`` (or the release branch you're working with) to ensure they're passing before working on your own changes/tests. Alternatively, if you've run ``python setup.py develop`` on your Fabric clone, you can also run:: fab test This adds additional flags which enable running doctests & adds nice coloration.