========== Installing ========== Paramiko-NG itself ================== The recommended way to get Paramiko is to **install the latest stable release** via `pip `_:: $ pip install paramiko-ng You can also install under the original "paramiko" pip-package-name, in order to satisfy requirements for other packages (replace "2.7.6" with desired version):: $ PARAMIKO_REPLACE=1 pip install https://github.com/ploxiln/paramiko-ng/archive/2.7.6.tar.gz#egg=paramiko Paramiko-NG currently supports Python 2.7, 3.4+, and PyPy. Paramiko-NG has only a few direct dependencies: - The big one is Cryptography; see :ref:`its specific note below ` for more details. - `bcrypt `_, for "new openssh format" private keys - `pynacl `_, *optional* for Ed25519 key support If you need GSS-API / SSPI support, see :ref:`the below subsection on it ` for details on its optional dependencies. .. _cryptography: Cryptography ============ `Cryptography `__ provides the low-level (C-based) encryption algorithms we need to implement the SSH protocol. It has detailed `installation instructions`_ (and an `FAQ `_) which you should read carefully. In general, you'll need one of the following setups: * On Windows or Mac OS X, provided your ``pip`` is modern (8.x+): nothing else is required. ``pip`` will install statically compiled binary archives of Cryptography & its dependencies. * On Linux, or on other platforms with older versions of ``pip``: you'll need a C build toolchain, plus development headers for Python, OpenSSL and ``libffi``. Again, see `Cryptography's install docs`_; these requirements may occasionally change. .. _installation instructions: .. _Cryptography's install docs: https://cryptography.io/en/latest/installation/ .. _gssapi: Optional dependencies for GSS-API / SSPI / Kerberos =================================================== In order to use GSS-API/Kerberos & related functionality, a couple of additional dependencies are required (these are not listed in our ``setup.py`` due to their infrequent utility & non-platform-agnostic requirements): * All platforms need **a working installation of GSS-API itself**, e.g. Heimdal. * All platforms need `pyasn1 `__ ``0.1.7`` or later. * **Unix** needs `gssapi `__ ``1.4.1`` or later. * **Windows** needs `pywin32 `__ ``2.1.8`` or later. .. note:: If you use Microsoft SSPI for kerberos authentication and credential delegation, make sure that the target host is trusted for delegation in the active directory configuration. For details see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc738491%28v=ws.10%29.aspx